Diagnosing for Effective Strategy

Diagnosing Your Leadership Situation

Many Churches move to address pressing problems within their leadership teams or ministry programs without first diagnosing where the real problems might be. This can mean that a lot of valuable time and finance is spent on addressing the wrong problems and applying the wrong answers.

The following process enables a Church and its leadership to diagnose its situation before it begins to find and apply the appropriate solutions. These processes occur on a number of levels with each level being diagnosed through an appropriate diagnostic tool. These diagnostic tools enable the Church leadership to survey the perceptions of the various stake holders in the Church’s life:

  • Congregation – what they think is important and how they think the church is going
  • Leadership Teams – looks at how the leadership teams operate and focuses the Church leadership on understanding systems thinking as it relates to the Church’s operational modes
  • Leaders – helps them understand the three factors of leadership: the followers, their own leadership style and the situation they are in and which they are attemptiing to lead.


  • Diagnostic Tool: Organisational Church Climate Report
  • Purpose: Assesses the congregation’s perception of what is important in the Church’s ministry and life, and how they think the Church is doing in each area of that ministry and life. It covers the following areas of Church life and minstry: Clarity of Message, Mission, Purpose; Unity/Belonging; Recognition; Measurement; Responsibility/Ownership; External Focus; Empowerment/Freedom to do right; Growth in Faith; and Shared Faith
  • Participants: the majority of the congregation if possible
  • Time: 20 minutes approx.

Leadership Teams:

  • Diagnostic Tool: Congregational Systems Inventory (CSI)
  • Purpose: assesses the Church’s operational and systems modes along seven dimensions of Church leadership and ministry. These include: strategy, authority, pastoral leadership, process, relatednes, staff and lay leadership, and learning.
  • Participants: all staff and lay leaders (especially key leaders)
  • Time: 1 ½ hours.


  • Diagnostic Tool: LEAD assessment processes using Situational Leadership Model by Hersey, Blanchard and Johnson.
  • Purpose: helps leaders to assess their own leadership styles and how they are applying them. It also helps leaders to learn how to use other leadership styles, where necessary, to effectively develop their followers
  • Participants: all staff and lay leaders (especially key leaders)
  • Time: approximately 1 ½ days, see Leadership Style Seminars.

More Information

If you would like more information about the program, please contact us via the online form here.